Stock Adjustment

Stock Adjustment

Stock adjustments allow the user the ability to correct any issues in their stock listing to reflect the correct amount available. Stock adjustments can be done to either increase or decrease the particular item selected.

Stock Adjustment

  1. Starting on the home screen, select the icon labelled stock located at the top of the menu bar.
  2. Once in the stock screen, there will be 2 tabs: Stock and Stock Adjustments. Select Stock Adjustments.
  3. This should take you to the Adjustment screen. In the upper right hand is a green tab labelled “New Adjustment”. Select this to start.
  4. The first line is a drop down menu to choose from labelled “reason”, being the reason you are adjusting. Select this, and then move to the notes section to enter any notes on the adjustment or the parts being adjusted.
  5. The next section has two tabs, Remove and Add part. In order to access these, select the reason and enter text into the part labelled “Notes” Select the tab labelled “Add part”.
  6. Once selected, a pop-up screen will show up with parts to select for the adjustment. After these have been chosen, click the green tab labelled “select”.
  7. After choosing, a line will appear showing Part number, description, current part balance, the new part balance, the difference in two, unit cost, and the total cost.
  8. Select the box under new part balance. Enter the correct number of parts and once finished, this will change to the correct number of parts.
  9. Once completed, select the green tab labelled “Save”. After this has been saved, select the green tab labelled “Process” to finish the adjustment.
  10. After this has been finished, you can select the tab labelled “Stock” to show the current amounts showing or select view adjustment to see a paper copy of the recent change in Stock.
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