
Along with your customer list this is possibly the most important tool at your disposal. ServiceSight enables you to hold details on both prospective & contact contacts helping you to make sure you speak to the right person at the right time. The contact list shows you your full list of all our contacts regardless of status.

Contact List

The contact list shows you the following information in a list format:

First Name; Last Name; Job Title; Customer; Phone No; Mobile No; Email Address; Status

Creating New Contacts

To create a new contact from the contact list simply click the green ‘New contact’ button on the right. You will be taken to the new contact wizard to walk you through the process of quickly & easily creating a new contact.

Using the Search Bar

Rather than creating new contacts you may be looking for an existing one, to update it, or to check on their status. You can use the search bar to filter the list of contacts by any information contained within the contact you are looking for.

  • Simply type the information you have and click the ‘search’ button on the right-hand end of the search bar. The list will be filtered by the text you have entered.

Filtering the Contact List

As well as typing your own filters in the search bar you can make use of a set of predefined filters available to you.

  • Click the blue arrow in the ‘No filter selected’ box at the top of the job list.
  • Select the filter you want to apply:

No filter selected Shows all contacts of any type

Active Shows all your current contacts

Inactive Shows only those contacts that have been closed

In the above example, if I select the ‘Active’ filter the list is filtered to show only those contacts that are active contacts.

Sorting the Contact List

As well as filtering the list of contacts you can also choose how to sort the list as well.

  • To sort the list of contacts click the column heading of the field you wanrt to sort by.
  • For example, if you wanted to sort the list by contact surname, click on the word ‘Last Name’ in the list.
  • The list is sorted alphabetically by name and an arrow appears next to the column heading to show how it is being sorted.
  • You can also sort in reverse alphabetical order by clicking ‘Last Name’ again. This will flip the list and show contact surnames starting with letters at the end of the alphabet first.

Resizing & Reordering Columns

If required you can both reorder the columns as they appear in the list as well as resizing the column widths.

  • To resize a column simply hold your mouse over the joins between the columns.
  • Your mouse cursor will change to a double headed arrow.
  • Click & drag the column join to its new position to increase or decrease the column width as needed.
  • To reorder the columns click and hold the column heading of the column you wish to move.
  • Drag the column to its new position and let go of the mouse button.
  • The column has moved to its new position.

Viewing a Contact

To open up a contact to view the detail simply click on the blue contact first name on the left-hand side of the list. This will open the contact detail screen.

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