Changing next customer account number

When you create a new customer account in ServiceSight, the system will generate a unique account number for your customer. However, if you would like to use a different account number that is larger than the one automatically generated, you can easily change it in the settings section of ServiceSight. […]

ServiceSight 9.37 Release

We are pleased to announce the launch of ServiceSight 9.37! This release contains some bug fixes and enhancements as detailed in the Release Notes. Click below to download. Your browser may not support inline PDFs, you can download the PDF by clicking here ServiceSight 9.37 Release Notes

ServiceSight 9.36 Release

We are pleased to announce the launch of ServiceSight 9.36! This release contains some bug fixes and enhancements as detailed in the Release Notes. Click below to download. Your browser may not support inline PDFs, you can download the PDF by clicking here ServiceSight 9.36 Release Notes

Supplier details

Supplier Details Supplier details are added or edited to show any current information that is new or updated to reflect changes for any stock suppliers you utilize. The details can be added or changed in the Purchases tab, under the sub-tab “Vendors” Supplier Details Select the Purchases tab on the […]

Adding new Sales Opportunity Status

Select the settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the ServiceSight home screen. Once in the settings screen, you will drop down menu’s for each setting. Select the tab labeled CRM, and it should drop down several tabs to choose from. Select Sales opportunities statuses at this time. […]

Sales Barrier

Sales Barrier The sales barrier can be a reason added to a quote or customer to let users know why a particular customer might be hesitant, or even say no. This can assist users with assisting customers. Creating a new sales barrier Select the settings icon in the upper right […]


Competitor Detail Competitor details add information to any competitors you might encounter while dealing with customers. This can be added in the CRM area in the settings section. Adding Competitor detail Select the settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the ServiceSight home screen. Once in the settings […]

Sales Opportunity Attributes

Sales Opportunity Attributes Sales opportunity attributes allows you to add different attributes for customers and other sales possibilities listed with customers. These attributes can be memo’s regarding the location, notes about the customer, or other info needed for a particular customer or situation. Adding a new Sales Opportunity Attribute Select […]

CRM Attributes

CRM Attributes Adding attributes to the CRM section will allow you to add any needed reminders or information to your customers existing information. This will give the user the opportunity to state whether the user has restricted hours for service, multiple locations that are not listed, or even a certain […]

Job Attributes

Job Attributes Job attributes can be added to each job before submitting them in ServiceSight. Accessing and adding these can be done through settings, in the job drop down menu. Creating a New Attribute Select the settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the ServiceSight home screen. Once […]