CRM Attributes

CRM Attributes

Adding attributes to the CRM section will allow you to add any needed reminders or information to your customers existing information. This will give the user the opportunity to state whether the user has restricted hours for service, multiple locations that are not listed, or even a certain entrance for service individuals.

Adding attributes

Creating a New Attribute

  1. Select the settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the ServiceSight home screen.
  2. Once in the settings screen, you will drop down menu’s for each setting. Select the tab labeled CRM, and it should drop down several tabs to choose from. Select attributes at this time.
  3. After selected, this will take you to the attributes page where attributes can be created and changed after being created.
  4. Once on this page, there is green tab at the top of the page labeled ‘New Attribute’. Select this tab to start creating a new attribute.
  5. When this is selected, the first line to select is Attribute, which will allow you to name the new attribute.
  6. Next line is Type. This will allow you to determine whether it is one of the following: Date, List, Memo, Numeric, Text, or Yes/No. Once you have selected one of these you can move onto the next line.
  7. This line is called Category. You have two options, select the the link labeled ‘+ Add category’ or select the drop down and choose one that has been created.
  8. On the next line, you can choose the Visibility, meaning whether this is visible on on info to customers, or it is for internal use only.
  9. Once these are done, you will be able to hit save and have completed creating an attribute to be added to jobs.

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